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Tiflis Observatory
Хорошее описание================ of the Institute of Hydrometeorology
The first instrumental observations in Georgia were begun at the end of thirties of XIX century. In 1844, May 14, one of the first in Russian empire Magnetic-Meteorological Observatory was opened in TIFLIS. From the first days of its foundation it became the basic meteorological organization in the Caucasus, which along with conducting the observations was realizing complex scientific investigations on meteorology. The observatory was made responsible for creation of meteorological observing network in the Caucasus and its scientific-methodological supervision.
In 1862 the construction of the best, for that time, building of the observatory was finished in Tiflis, where now the Museum of Geophysical Sciences and the history of the Institute of Hydrometeorology is accomodated (David Agmashenebeli Avenue, 150). In 1867 the observatory was renamed into Tiflis Physical Observatory, where, along with meteorological and magnetic measurements, astronomical observations also began. At present this building is occupied by the Mueseum of Geophisical Sciences of the Georgian Academy of Sciences.
In 1924 the Observatory was called the Tbilisi Geophysical Observatory and it became the centre of geophysical research in Transcaucasia.
Tbilisi geophysical observatory originated the development of leading research centres of the Earth and planetary sciences in Georgia. Particularly, in 1930, on the basis of the observatory and meteorological network the Georgian Hydrometeorological Committee was created. In 1931 the astronomical observations being conducted at the observatory were transferred to the Abastumani astro-physical observatory of the Georgian division of All-Union Academy of Sciences. In 1932 the Institute of Geophysics was separated from Tbilisi geophysical observatory, and some of departments were transferred to the former (seismic, magnetic, etc.)
V.P.LominadzeIn the post-war years the speedy development of national economy put a lot of problems to the Hydrometeorological science. To cope with them,and to develop scientific research on many practical aspects, the Tbilisi scientific-research Hydrometeorological Institute was created on the basis of Tbilisi Geophysical Observatory, and V.Lominadze. was appointed as its Director. In this capacity he gained an opportunity to fully demonstrate his professional level and organizational talent, that resulted in the creation of an efficient and disciplined team of specialist in a relatively short period of time.
Already by the end of 50-s the Institute succeeded to publish about 10 volumes of Transactions and monographs, accomplished a series of investigations on the different urgent problems of Hydrometeorology. The research being carried out at the Institute, shortly has acquired the regional character, as a result of which in 1963 it was transformed into the Transcaucasian Research Hydrometeorological Institute with the relevant departments in Baku and Yerevan.
Progress, achieved by the Institute at the very beginning of its creation in significant part was stipulated by personal merits of V. Lominadze. He was well aquainted with each member of staff, taking care of his professional level and human state as well. Under his initiative in 1960-s many young specialists were sent to leading scientific centers in Moscow, Leningrad, Novisibirsk and other cities, where they were trained and defended their scientific degrees. In the period of directorship of V.Lominadze 9 doctoral and more than 70 candidate of sciences theses were prepared at the Institute.
Along with managerial talent V.Lominadze was endowed with remarkable scientific intuition, which helped him to direct the scientific activity of the Institute in the course of most vivid and up-to-date investigations.
The problem of weather forecasting traditionally was considered as one of the most important areas of research in the Institute. V.Lominadze did not spare himself to reinforce that direction by young and talented specialists. He supported enthusiasticly the introduction of numerical methods in the works being conducted on the mentioned problem, as well as the creation at the Institute of the modern at that time computer center.
Special interest was paid by V.Lominadze to the problem of cloud physics and weather modification. Under his direct leadership at the beginning of 1960-s the original method of hail suppression was elaborated on the Paravani testing ground, which was later on successfully adopted in the operational practice. In the end of 1960-s at the new laboratory building, constructed under the efforts of V. Lominadze, the complex of cloud chambers was put into operation, and at the beginning of 1970-s the Institute started large-scale activities in the basin of Lake Sevan on the precipitation enhacement problem. At the same time V.Lominadze was investigating the turbulent structure of troposphere over the South Caucasus using flying laboratory. However, overloaded by managerial problems, he had no time to put into shape his doctoral theses.
V.Lominadze put great attention to the development of other branches of Hydrometeorology. Under his direct participation the works on alpine agrometeorology were successfully expanded at the Paravani meteorological testing ground, as well as investigations on the Environmental pollution, Climatology, Hydrology and Land-reclamation Hydrology, Mudflows and their mitigation.
G.G.SvanidzeIn 1976, Givi Svanidze.was appointed as a Director of the Transcaucasian Research Hydrometeological Institute, where he distinguished himself both as a great scientist and specialist, as well as a large-scale organizer and leader.
After his coming to the Institute of Hydrometeorology, the second stage of his fruitful and versatile career started. During this period, until 1990, G. Svanidze actively participated in large-scale activities on precipitation enhancement in Transcaucasia as part of the works carried out throughout the entire Soviet Union.
In 1992, after the collapse of the USSR, G.Svanidze, due to his authority in the Georgian Academy of Sciences, managed to save the Institute of Hydrometeorology from being disintegrated and to incorporate it in the system of the Academy, as a result of which the the Institute was able to preserve its present day state. During the hard period of 1992-1995, the Institute was many times saved from being destroyed and suppressed thanks to G.Svanidze, being firmly in the head of the Institute until the end of his life, August, 1999.
In the latest period of his activity, since 1997, he was actively involved in the works, connected with one of the important problems of the present time-Global Climate Change. Under his guidance, the investigation on the vulnerability of Georgia`s water resources and adaptation was prepared, included in the Initial National Communication of Georgia to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Though. many of his ideas and thoughts have been unfortunately left unrealized.
Acad. G.Svanidze was a worldwide known researcher in Hydrology and relevant fields of science (Hydroenergetics, Water resources complex use, Environmental protection, Forecasting dangerous natural phenomena, Hydraulics, Meteorology). He is one of the founders of modern Stochastic Hydrology and river run-off theory. The foundation of a scientific school of Stochastic Hydrology in Georgia must be considered as his particular merit. He was the first one, who paid attention to large possibilities of the use of Monte-Carlo method in classical Hydrology.
G.Svanidze is the author of 250 scientific publications including 15 monographs: "Hydropower Resources of Georgian SSR" (1962), "Basics of River Run-off Regulation by Monte-Carlo Method" (1964), "Mathematical Modelling of Hydrological Series" (1977), "Hydrology of the Bzip River" (1981), "Dangerous Hydrometeorological Phenomena in the Caucasus" (1980, 1983), "Forecast of Hydrometeorological Phenomena in Kolkheti Lowland After its Drainage" (1983), "Renewable Energy Resources of Georgia" (1987), "Water Resources of the Transcaucasia" (1988), etc.
His scientific works were awarded the Petre Melikishvili Prize of Tbilisi State university (1972), the Ivane Javakhishvili Medal (1981), the Vakhushti Bagrationi Prize (1982) and the Glushkov and Urivaev Prize (1991).
From the History of Tiflis Observatory in XIX century (1834-1880), V. A.; Simonia, I. A.
History of Tiflis Observatory in XIX century (1834-1880). Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniia, Vyp. 25, Ed. Idlis G. M., Moscow, Nauka, 2000, pp. 30-41.
Little-known materials on the history of Tiflis observatory in XIX century have been studied. Observatory
Der bewegungs-mechanismus AM drehthurme des observatoriums zu Tiflis.
December 28 J. V. Stalin starts work at the Tiflis Physical Observatory.
March 21 J. V. Stalin's lodgings at the Tiflis Physical Observatory are searched by the police.
March 28 J. V. Stalin leaves the Tiflis Physical Observatory and goes underground.
For some months he depended on earnings from giving lessons but then he got a job at the Tiflis Observatory. Officially he was described as a clerk but it is known he carried out scientific studies on magnetism. Whatever his work, it gave him an office, away from police eyes, for his political work.
While at the Observatory he prepared, with others, the first May Day demonstration in the Caucasus in 1900 on the outskirts of Tiflis, making his first public speech. The next May Day march was planned for the centre of Tiflis, in defiance of the secret police, the Okhrana. The Okhrana struck first, raiding offices, including Soso’s room at the Observatory and arresting leaders. Soso escaped to hold that second May Day demonstration of 2,000 workers in the city centre.|SOLID+EARTH|GEOMAGNETISM|MAGNETIC+INCLINATION&OrigMetadataNode=GCMD&EntryId=NCL00065&MetadataView=Full&MetadataType=0&lbnode=mdlb2
Hourly Observations and Daily Means of Weather Data for Tiflis Observatory in Russia (1891-1927)
Поиск : Тифлис, Обсерватория"Ф. обсерватория в Тифлисе и (астрономическая и) Ф. обсерватория в Ташкенте преследуют цели исключительно магнитные и метеорологические. "Фигуровский, Иван Владимирович
(3 авг. 1865 — 1940) — сов. климатолог. Окончил Варшав. ун-т. В 1893—95 — вычислитель Гл. физич. обсерватории в Петербурге, с 1895 —старший наблюдатель Тифлис. обсерватории; в 1907—12 работал в Иркутской обсерватории, после чего вновь вернулся в Тифлис. С 1921— проф. Азерб. политехнич. ин-та в Баку; с 1924 — проф. с.-х. фак-та этого ин-та, преобразованного позже в с.-х. ин-т в Кировабаде. Ему принадлежат ценные исследования по климатологии Кавказа и его климатич. районированию. Ф. изучал распределение температуры, горно-долинные ветры, бризы, фены и т. п. Занимался вопросами выбора мест климатич. курортов, участвовал в подготовке и обосновании проекта Мингечаурского гидротехнич. комплекса.
Соч.: Опыт исследования климатов Кавказа, т. 1, СПб, 1912, т. 2, вып. 1 — Климатический очерк (бывш.) Ставропольской губернии. Опыт исследования климатов Кавказа, Ставрополь, 1926; Климаты Кавказа, Тифлис. 1919; Климатическое районирование Азербайджана, ч. 1—2. Баку, 1926.Точно так же от даты создания филиальной обсерватории в Тифлисе (1837 г.) отсчитывается история Гидрометслужбы Грузии.Правительственная реакция 70—80-х гг. укрепила позиции консервативной части академиков. В 1880 г., к негодованию передовой общественности, академия отказала в избрании Д. И. Менделееву. Несмотря на эти теневые стороны в своей деятельности академия продолжала оставаться авторитетным научным центром России, объединяющим многих выдающихся ученых.
Наряду с организацией ряда новых академических учреждений к Петербургской академии наук были присоединены некоторые научные организации других ведомств: в 1886 г. в ее ведение была передана Главная физическая обсерватория (с 1899 г.— Николаевская), в 1883 г.— Физическая обсерватория в Тифлисе, а в 1884 г.— Екатерининская и Иркутская магнито-метеорологические обсерватории. Пулковская обсерватория 3 благодаря деятельности в ней Б. Я- Струве и О. В. Струве, Ф. А. Бредихина, О. А. Баклунд, А. А. Белопольского, А. А. Иванова, Н. Н. Павлова и других ученых продолжала занимать одно из первых мест среди наиболее известных обсерваторий мира.