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Эта сверхновая 100% российская! Это мы не сговариваясь

V. M. Lipunov, Moscow State University, reports the discovery by
Pavel Balanutsa, on behalf of the large "MASTER robotic Net" team (cf.
http://observ.pereplet.ru) of an apparent supernova (mag 17.7)
on two unfiltered CCD images (bandpass close to the R band; limiting mag
about 18.7) taken with a 355-mm telescope near Moscow on Oct. 30.99 UT,
noting the new object to be located at R.A. = 3h10m00s.96, Decl. =
+19o13'23".1 (equinox 2000.0; uncertainty about 0".7), which is 23" west
and 6" north of the center of PGC 1584648. Nothing is visible at this
position on earlier MASTER images (limiting mag 19 on 2005 Feb. 5.68).
The discovery image has been posted at the following website URL:
Following posting on the Central Bureau's unconfirmed-observations
webpage, T. Kryachko (Kazan State University, Astrotel Observatory) and
S. Korotkiy (Ka-Dar Observatory, Moscow) report that three unfiltered
images (limiting red mag 20.0) taken on Nov. 2.941 with a 80-mm ED
refractor (+ ST-2000XM CCD camera) at Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia,
yield mag 16.8 and position end figures 00s.93, 23".1 (uncertainty
0".2) for 2008gy, noting that nothing is visible at this position on a
Palomar Sky Survey image obtained on 1986 Sept. 29 (via the Digitized
Sky Survey; limiting red mag 20.5); they have posted an image of 2008gy
at website URL
http://www.astroalert.su/files/psn_crop.jpg .