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Открыли на снимке с кометой C/2005 L3.
Необычайна и история подтверждения: французы еще за 2 дня до нас снимали комету C/2005 L3, а после нашего сообщения просмотрели свои снимки и подтвердили наличие сверхновой!

Вот текст циркуляра
CBET 1485 : 20080831 : SUPERNOVA 2008fe IN UGC 9578 :
SUPERNOVA 2008fe IN UGC 9578
Stanislav Korotkiy, Moscow; and T. Kryachko and B. Satovskiy, Kazan
State University (KSU), report the discovery of an apparent supernova (mag
approximately 19.2) on the five unfiltered 300-s images (limiting mag
21.0) taken on Aug. 30.72 UT with a Takahashi FRC-300 30-cm f/7.8
telescope (+ Apogee Alta U9000 CCD camera) at KSU's Astrotel Observatory
(Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia). The new object is located at R.A. =
14h53m48s.26 +/- 0".1, Decl. = +20o06'45".5 +/- 0".1 (equinox 2000.0),
which is about 23".1 east and 12".1 south of the center of the galaxy
UGC 9578 (PGC 53239). Nothing is visible at this position on a Palomar
Sky Survey image obtained on 1993 May 19 (via the Digitized Sky Survey;
limiting blue mag 21.5). After learning of Korotkiy's report, F. Kugel
(Dauban, Banon, France) writes that C. Rinner and he obtained an unfiltered
image (six stacked 120-s exposures) of comet C/2005 L3 on Aug. 27.87 with a
50-cm f/3 telescope that shows a new (apparently stellar) object of mag
18.4 located at R.A. = 14h53m48s.23, Decl. = +20o06'46".9 (equinox 2000.0),
or about 25" east and 10" south of the center of the galaxy UGC 9578,
again confirming the absence of such an object on the Palomar Sky Survey
to a limiting blue magnitude of 21.5.
The discovery image by Korotkiy et al. is posted at the following
http://www.astroalert.su/files/discovery-sn-summ5x300sec.jpg , with
the 1993 DSS image at
http://www.astroalert.su/files/dss-19930519-062800.jpg .
2008 August 31 (CBET 1485)
И тут
http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/snimages/ опубликовали наше открытие.