Тема сообщения:
Re: [PLANOCCULT] Possible occultations by rings of Pluto tomorrow night, & July 31 & Sept. 27
Текст письма:
Дорогой David,
Вы писали:
> Then on Sept. 27, around 14.8 UT, the Earth will pass between the
> shadows of Pluto and Charon, with no occultation by either object visible
> from Earth's surface, involving the 8.7-mag. (!) star SAO 160793 =
> UCAC2 17h 44m 38.4s, Dec. -16 deg. 46' 35"; the night area of
> possible occultations by Plutonian rings being most of Asia
> (from Arabia to Vietnam to western & southern China to the Ural
> Mountains, the Horn of Africa, western Australia, part of
> Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean.
Стас Короткий, сотрудник московской обсерватории "Ка-Дар" (MPC код B05), планирует отправиться на наблюдения явления в Узбекистан, в обсерваторию Majdanak (MPC код 188, longitude 66°53'47.0''E, latitude 38°40'23.7''N, 2575 m), на расстояние более 3000 км.
Не появилось ли уточнений обстоятельств этого покрытия [occultation updates]?
Когда следует начинать фотометрию покрываемой звезды [target star] и когда заканчивать?
С уважением и т. д.
Re: [PLANOCCULT] Possible occultations by rings of Pluto tomorrow night, & July 31 & Sept. 27
Dear David, you wrote:
> Then on Sept. 27, around 14.8 UT, the Earth will pass between the
> shadows of Pluto and Charon, with no occultation by either object visible
> from Earth's surface, involving the 8.7-mag. (!) star SAO 160793 =
> UCAC2 17h 44m 38.4s, Dec.-16 deg. 46 ' 35 "; the night area of
> possible occultations by Plutonian rings being most of Asia
> (from Arabia to Vietnam to western and southern China to the Ural
> Mountains, the Horn of Africa, western Australia, part of
> Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean.
Stas Korotky, the employee of the Moscow's observatory "Ka-Dar" (MPC code B05),
will go for observation of Pluto occultation to Uzbekistan, on observatory Majdanak
(MPC a code 188, longitude 66°53 ' 47.0 " E, latitude 38°40 ' 23.7 " N, 2575 m),
on distance more than 3000 km from Moskow.
Does any new specifications of this occultations appear?
When it is necessary to begin photometry of of occultated star and when to finish it?
Best regards,
Aleksey Losyuk, Vitaly Mechinsky.
Тема сообщения: Просим уточнить обстоятельства покрытия Плутоном 27 сентября 2007 г.
Дорогой Дэйв,
Вы писали:
> Fairly soon I will be releasing a new version of Occult - in beta form. A key improvement
> for events involving Pluto is that the DE413 ephemeris can be downloaded for the
> predictions. DE13 was generated a couple of years ago specifically for Pluto occultations.
> The path location is _significantly_ different from the DE405 ephemeris. Indeed, for Pluto
> occultations DE413 is effectively mandatory.
Я не имею бета-версии WinOccult v4.0. Не могли бы Вы уточнить с её помощью обстоятельства покрытия 27 сентября 2007 г. star SAO 160793 = UCAC2 25587116? О нём писал David Dunham в IOTAoccultations 11 мая 2007 г. (текст – в прикреплённом файле).
Стас Короткий, сотрудник московской обсерватории "Ка-Дар" (MPC код B05), планирует отправиться на наблюдения явления в Узбекистан, в обсерваторию Majdanak (MPC код 188, longitude 66°53'47.0''E, latitude 38°40'23.7''N, 2575 m), на расстояние более 3000 км.
Когда следует начинать фотометрию покрываемой звезды [target star] и когда заканчивать?
С уважением и т. д.
Theme of the message: we ask you to specify circumstances of Pluto occultation on September, 27th, 2007
Dear Dave,
You wrote:
> Fairly soon I will be releasing a new version of Occult - in beta form. A key improvement
> for events involving Pluto is that the DE413 ephemeris can be downloaded for the
> predictions. DE13 was generated a couple of years ago specifically for Pluto occultations.
> The path location is _significantly_ different from the DE405 ephemeris. Indeed, for Pluto
> occultations DE413 is effectively mandatory.
I haven't beta-version of WinOccult v4.0. Could you specify with this program the circumstance of Pluto occultation on September, 27th, 2007 by star SAO 160793 = UCAC2 25587116? About it David Dunham wrote in IOTAoccultations on May, 11th, 2007 (text - in the attached file).
Stas Korotky, the employee of the Moscow's observatory "Ka-Dar" (MPC code B05),
will go for observation of Pluto occultation to Uzbekistan, on observatory Majdanak
(MPC a code 188, longitude 66°53 ' 47.0 " E, latitude 38°40 ' 23.7 " N, 2575 m),
on distance more than 3000 km from Moskow.
When it is necessary to begin photometry of of occultated star and when to finish it?
Best regards,
Aleksey Losyuk.