Сохранил файлы с папки
http://vizier.hia.nrc.ca/viz-bin/ftp-index?/ftp/cats/bincats/UCAC3//srcи в
Ubuntu 9.04 скомпилировал исполнительный файл ucac3.
Прикрепляю его в архиве к данному сообщению.
Исполнительный айл
ucac3 поместить в папку /bin
Вот как у меня выглядят результаты его запуска в
oleg@oleg-desktop:~$ ucac3
Usage: ucac3 [-HELP|-v] [-R root_name] [-r[s|d] [min,]radius] [-b[s|d] x[,y]]
[-e edit_opt|-obin file] [-E] [-f input_file] [-l! min,max] [-m max_rec]
[-c center |-i ID |-z zone | Jname |-whole] [-s !]
-HELP: display column explanations
-v: verbose option (details what the program does)
-b: target box in arcmin ; -bs = target box in arcsec
-r: target radius in arcmin ; -rs = target radius in arcsec
-c: target center in decimal or sexagesimal (default in stdin)(,)
-e: a=all b=basic(default) e=Epochs i=UCAC3-IDs M=2MASS p=pos_only
m=mas s=sexa x=x,y 0=nothing 9=null_as_9's ,=CSV %=parfile
!=binary (Use 0 first to choose specific items, e.g. -e0m)
-E: Compute the position of mean Epoch (apply the proper motion back)
-f: specifies an input file (default stdin)
-i: query from an UCAC3 designation (zzz-NNNNNN or 9-digit MPOS)(,)
-l!: Set the limits (range) on one of the parameters (below)
-m: max number of stars to retrieve
-obin: write the output in binary mode (byte order as FITS) to bin_file
-s !: Sort the result by the parameter ! (list below)
-z: search on a zone (between 001 and 288)
Jname: search sources matching an 'IAU-name', e.g. J0012-4523(,)
-whole: search on the whole sky
-R: Root (directory) name where the UCAC3 files are located ($UCAC3root)
(,) (items -c -i Jname accept comma-separated lists)
====The abbreviations of the parameters (symbolized !)are:
a=Alpha c=Ncat d=Delta e=Epoch f=flag** i=UCAC3-ID
m.=mag m.-.=color o=Nobs p=pmotion r=distance s=sigmaPos(2000)
t=type(class) x=proj.E y=proj.N
. represents one of the colors f(UCAC-fit) a(UCAC-aperture) J H K B R I