Автор Тема: Сверхновая в М 100  (Прочитано 8177 раз)

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Сверхновая в М 100
« : 12 февраля 2006, 23:05:50 »

  Вспыхнула сверхновая SN 2006X типа Ia в спиральной галактике М 100! Звездная величина составляет 14,4m.

2006X, IAUC 8667 discovered 2006/02/07.10 by Shoji Suzuki; M. Migliardi (CROSS)
Found in M100 at R.A. = 12h22m53s.92, Decl. = +15°48'31".2
Located 12" west and 48" south of the nucleus of NGC 4321 (= M100)
Mag 14.4 and rising, Type Ia (References: CBET 393, 396; ATEL 726, 728, 729; SN 1901B, 1914A, 1959E, 1979C)
SN 2006X images sub-page

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Re: Сверхновая в М 100
« Ответ #1 : 21 марта 2006, 15:28:16 »

 Немного новостей:

2006 March 7  (CBET 421)

        J. T. Lauroesch, Northwestern University; A. P. S. Crotts, Columbia
University; J. Meiring and V. P. Kulkarni, University of South Carolina;
D. M. Meyer, Northwestern University; and D. E. Welty and D. G. York,
University of Chicago, report that high-resolution spectrograms of SN 2006X
(cf. 8667, 8680), obtained with the Magellan Clay Telescope (+ MIKE
spectrograph) on Feb. 13.35 and 23.25 UT, show unusually strong redshifted
CN B-X (0,0) violet band absorption consistent with an origin in the
interstellar gas in NGC 4321 (= M100).  A preliminary analysis of these
data yields an extraordinarily large equivalent width (0.0090 +/- 0.0010
nm) for the CN R(0) 387.46-nm line, the EW being greater than published
observations of this line through any Galactic interstellar cloud (e.g.,
Crutcher 1985 Ap.J. 288, 604; Roth and Meyer 1995, Ap.J. 441, 129;
Pan et al. 2004, Ap.J. Suppl. 151, 313).  Sightlines in our Galaxy with
similarly large CN columns (e.g., HD 29647; Crutcher 1985) have visual
extinctions (A_V) greater than 3 magnitudes.  Other interstellar lines
detected in M100 include strong saturated lines of Na I, Ca II, and K I,
as well as modest absorption due to CH, CH+, and several diffuse
interstellar bands.

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